The 10 Truths of Public Speaking
In a recent post, I spoke about the 10 myths of public speaking. Here is the corollary – the 10 truths of public speaking. 1) You can never be over-prepared. The better prepared, and the more you...
View Article15 common mistakes speakers make
This list is from a brain-storming session we held at the recent World Champions Edge summit in Calgary. No message To many messages Ingoring your audience No pausing ?chicken soup? stories (using...
View ArticleThe A-Z of public speaking
The A-Z of public speaking in 26 phrases… Have a great attitude on and off the stage Body language and gestures enhance your message Make connections with the audience Delivery and content are key...
View Article47 Phrases to avoid when speaking
This list is from the book Talks on Talking by Grenville Kleiser. It was originally published in 1916. While many of the phrases have fallen into disuse, it is amazing how many are still being used...
View Article43 Dos and 35 Don’ts of Public Speaing
In some ways, public speaking has changed dramatically over the last 100 years, but in others it as barely changed at all. Read about 78 lessons in public speaking from 1916 that are still as relevant...
View Article10 Tips from Craig Valentine to improve your next speech
Craig Valentine has created a list of ten things that you can do to improve your next speech. Here is a summary of just a few tips. Facial Expressions Gestures Emotions Movement with a purpose Smile...
View Article10 things to never say to a customer
Here is a brief extract from an interesting list of 10 things to never say to your customer. It is from”the amazing service guy”. How many of these have been said to you? “We’d like to help, but it’s...
View Article16 Lessons from Dr Ali Backer
Ali Bacher and ,me Dr Ali Bacher spoke at our Toastmasters conference in May. Here are a few lessons from him. Return correspondence within 24 hours Brevity – 2 pages (both speaking and writing)...
View Article11 Tips for free PRO for your Toastmasters Club
Do you want free publicity? Then use these tips. Website –crucial; keep it simple. Free! Community adverts in newspapers; consistent. Call the editor and ask him for lead times; make friends! Facebook...
View Article10 steps to creating a really strong story
Guest post by Jim Harvey It sounds like a presentation trainer’s cliche, but it’s not. In business presentations, the story is the thing. There’s a skill and a structure to creating interesting and...
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